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Kindness - Roller

Kindness - Roller

Regular price $12.00
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Being kind to ourselves can be hard but it is the most important thing we can do. This blend was specifically created to remind you that you are worth being kind to. The Kindness blend is composed of oils that encourage grace, love, and forgiveness. This blend is designed to dispel negative emotions that may be obscuring your self-love and your love for others. This is the perfect blend to pull out when you are feeling down on yourself to remind you that you are worthy of love or to use every day as you practice being kinder to those around you.



Lavender is a calming oil that can quiet the mind and release judgements you have about yourself and others. 

Lime shows you all the best parts of people, including yourself. It restores balance between the heart and mind and can help you look at people with more excitement and less criticism.

 Geranium is a nurturing oil that aids in healing a broken heart, encouraging forgiveness and restoring confidence in the inner goodness of people. 

Thyme cleanses negative emotions that are keeping you from seeing your worth and the worth of others. It can increase feelings of love for yourself and others. 

Cedarwood inspires feelings of belonging and shows your value in your community and the value of all the others. 

Nutmeg encourages emotional stability, comfort and healing. It can help us see through others' eyes and understand the difficulties they are going through. 

Myrrh opens up our minds to new ways of looking at ourselves and others. It gives us a perspective much like that of a maternal figure, seeing the good in everyone. 

Cardamom reminds you of all the good in others and increases your ability to seek after more good for yourself. 

Fractionated Coconut Oil - Maymay uses fractionated coconut oil as the carrier oil for all of our roller blends. Fractionated coconut oil enhances the properties of the essential oil and helps your skin absorb them easier, making them even more effective for topical use. 

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How to Use: Kindness

Times you might need a little extra Kindness

  • When you are feeling bad about yourself
  • If you are working on your interactions with your kids
  • Thanksgiving dinner

Our favorite ways to use Kindness

  • Rub a drop on your chest, over your heart to remind yourself how much you love yourself!
  • Put a little along your throat to help you speak kindly

Some mantra suggestions for Kindness

  • I am worthy of love just as I am.
  • I love myself unconditionally.
  • I see the beautify in others.

Welcome, you beautiful Zen Goddess.

There's more oil goodness where that came from...

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