Natural Products Created Specifically for Emotional Health

Life has a way of throwing curveballs straight at us that can leave us emotionally beat up without any clarity on how to pick ourselves up again. But don't worry boo - we got you!

Marmay's all natural products are here to take you from feeling like emotional goo to the ultimate Goddess of Zen.

Ooo... I want that! →

"I never wanted to be a miserable grouch" *sigh*

We've all been there - your kid says, "mom" one too many times and you just lose it. Or you are trying to get some work done and instead, find yourself mindlessly scrolling through Instagram for hours. Or you've been good all day and then find yourself in the pantry, shoveling the last of the cookies.

It's like your emotions have a death grip on the controls and they are taking the express lane to Regretville.

It's your life. Feel how you want.

With a combination of pure natural products, intention and mindfulness practices, you can reclaim the steering wheel and take charge of your own emotional health.

There is a direct link between emotions and our good ol' olfactory. Regular use of essential oils and other natural products can help you work with your brain to rewire it away from the default negative emotions and direct it towards more productive ones.

See our awesome products →

What People are Saying



    Mini Sample Set

    "I’ve tried a bunch of these oils and creativity is my favorite so far! A little citrusy, a little sweet, gives me a nice mood boost when I’m feeling stuck."

  • JENN P.


    Kindness Roller Blend

    "Perfect reminder to slow down and be kind to myself and my kids."



    Calm Pure Essential Oil

    "I added a few drops to my bath salts and this stuff seriously ate all my anxieties, worries and fears for dinner."

  • MOLLY M.


    Confidence Roller Blend

    "I keep this bottle of confidence every where I go! I love the smell and the how easy it is to apply on the go. I get compliments every time I use it!"

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Check out Marmay's blends!

Our ingredients are legit

While we don't take ourselves too seriously, we do take our ingredients very seriously.

➜ 100% Pure Essential Oils

➜ All Natural Ingredients

➜ No synthetic chemicals

➜ No additives or dilution

➜ Hand bottled in the USA

Our blends are like a mood-lifting, stress-busting, happy-dance in a bottle!

Each Marmay oil blend is curated to help promote and boost a very specific, positive emotion. We have taken out the guesswork of using essential oils and made it easy for you to start experiencing the amazing benefits right away. Check out all of Marmay's amazing blends and find your new favorite!

See all the blends →

Our most popular blend

See all Marmay's blends

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